
Video Layer 1 : Zhariq act as a 'ghost'
Video Layer 2 : He is washing his face
Final Video : Combination of both layers
p/s : ni da bosan sgt buat kije xde pekdah cenggini.hahaha
Video Layer 1 : Zhariq act as a 'ghost'
Video Layer 2 : He is washing his face
Final Video : Combination of both layers
p/s : ni da bosan sgt buat kije xde pekdah cenggini.hahaha
Hi. Several months have past before I realised that there was no single entry posted since the last one back in May. Hahaha, out of all sudden I became too lazy to write entries perhaps due to lack of idea of what to write on. So this time I will post a story of what I know well, a continuation to what I had written several months ago about online shopping. As what I can see, online shopping has slowly becoming a 'trend' among Malaysian students in New Zealand primarily due to a tight monthly budget. Some settled with second hand guitar they could grab for a fairly cheap price through TradeMe hoping to revive their boy-band era and some are desperate enough to get a hand of Thermo-Fluid text book that was sold out at the university's book shop to prepare for the weekly test. Whatever the reasons might be, we are getting accustomed dealing with a stranger we totally have no idea who he or she is thousands miles away say in Oklahoma or may be that someone is our not-so-friendly neighbour living next door. While it is true the power of internet made trading world revolves around us it does in fact comes with some fatal drawbacks. Threats to the personal securities are becoming a growing concern while traders are exposed to scams and frauds. Two weeks ago,there was a news in Auckland about a girl who lost all of her money in her bank account and it was believed that her personal information was stolen while she is making online transaction. I myself had experiences where my money was stolen from my online 'bank' and my account was froze twice because it was believed to be accessed by an unauthorised person. Luckily enough I had the money refunded though the mastermind was undetected up until now. Having those not-so-convenient experiences, here I lay out three tips to avoid such cases to ever happen to you. They are very simple, as simple as 1-2-3. So keep them in mind always :
Never download and install any file from unknown sources as it may contains spyware where sensitive information like your banking passwords can be read by the fraudster. Have your pc scanned by Mr. Norton or whatever Mr. Anti-Virus you have as regularly as possible.
Please do not share your username or password to someone else. If possible, avoid using someone else's' or public computers to access your sensitive account. Accept the fact that not everyone is at least as good and honest as me. Even if they are honest, you don't know if their computers are free from those creepy spywares.
What I mean by lazy is you are using the same username/email and password for everything, from your banking account to registering a gossip forum. Remember the forum administrators have access to your personal information, if they happen to be 'naughty' chances are they might be using your information to access your banking account. Do not risk yourself, use separate passwords for your banking accounts.
I forgot to mention on more important step that is BEWARE OF PISHING SITE. Phising, came from word 'fishing' means to deceive someone to enter their username and password in a 'clone' banking account. Usually they'll send you an email trying to convince you to enter you information through a provided link. Ignore such emails, your authorised banks/merchant site will NEVER ask for any password.
Labels: educational
Labels: educational
Humans are bound to make mistakes, aren't they? Sometimes they are just some plain simple idiotic mistakes which make you think "What on earth have I done?", "I shouldn't do that" or maybe "oo..well...padan muke aku". At least that were what I thought after I got my left ankle and knee injured last 3 weeks when I was playing football with my colleagues. Look, I don't want to talk about the 'stunt' I did that day, lets just call it a bad day for me eh. Thank God after having a medical checkup there was no serious dislocation or fracture except for the normal sprain injury. Still, I was advised not to play any sport within 3-4 weeks which I did few days ago (another stupid thing to do) and guess what, the pain just kick back in.
The truth was, I don't feel like writing about this incident from the start but I was so touched to receive a get-well-soon letter from my insurance company yesterday offering further help to speed up my recovery ranging from covering my medical expenses to a personal shower assistant? uuhhh...sounds nice, don't you think? Put that things aside, from this experience there is a piece of info I'd like to share with all my sponsored colleagues in New Zealand regarding the insurance. Guys, be aware that each of us is covered by the University insurance so if something were to happen (hopefully not) whether it is a physical injury, loss of luggage or even car accident involving rental car you hired you can claim the expenses from them. The claiming process was indeed pretty easy, download the 4 pages form from here, , fill 'em up then have it posted to the address given. Within 2-3 business days, they'll deposit the amount claimed into your bank account.
Letter from ACC :
I really want to use this opportunity say thanks to all my friends for showing their concern while I'm not well especially to Imran for his overzealous (not sure if this is a suitable word to use) concern and not to forget to my housemates, Abe Bul and Kie (not real names) for declining to attend a group date at MomoCat knowing that I wouldn't be able butt in with my condition.
See after all, masih ada yang sayang.hahahahahaha..geli lak aku nak menyebutnyer Alhamdulillah, I can walk well now though still xle lompat-lompat sgt lagi I suppose I'll be fully recover in no time and fit for the Bersatu Games next month. Don't worry afiq, sabtu ni aku datang domain. Good luck guys with the training and thanks again, see ya !!
p/s : for those who wanna join skiing at Mt Roupehu after Bersatu Games, please give ur names to Zhariq. The initial plan is to depart from Wellington on the 4th of July, 2 days skiing on 5th and 6th before we return to Auckland the next day.
Labels: university
Hollaa everyone. I suppose this is the most anticipated weekend for the mechi students after working hard completing their 2nd design project (ngeh...u better start working on the 3rd by now ). It was the University Graduation Day a few days back...yeayy...so excited and I can't help myself from jumping happily,doink doink doink (since it was a day off for the students,hehe). Btw,I truly want to express my sincere congratulation to all my seniors who graduated this year.
FYI,this post was not written by me.2 days ago I was standing in front of a gunpoint when someone forced me and said "Syamim, you better post what I've written into your blog or else expect to be home with your head blown". I was like "OK2, i'll do everything you want me to.Please spare my life".So scared that I actually dedicated some space for his thought.Nah, of course it was just a made up story Happy happppyyy !!
Tiba-tiba, entah mengapa terlintas di benak fikiranku satu kisah graduasi yang diceritakan di dalam Quran dari Surah Ali-Imran.
3:104. Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu satu puak yang menyeru (berdakwah) kepada kebajikan (mengembangkan Islam) dan menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik, serta melarang daripada segala yang salah (buruk dan keji) dan mereka yang bersifat demikian ialah orang-orang yang berjaya.
3:105. Dan janganlah kamu menjadi seperti orang-orang (Yahudi dan Nasrani) yang telah bercerai-berai dan berselisihan (dalam agama mereka) sesudah datang kepada mereka keterangan-keterangan yang jelas nyata (yang dibawa oleh Nabi-nabi Allah) dan mereka yang bersifat demikian, akan beroleh azab seksa yang besar.
3:106. (Ingatlah akan) hari (kiamat yang padanya) ada muka (orang-orang) menjadi putih berseri dan ada muka (orang-orang) menjadi hitam legam. Adapun orang-orang yang telah hitam legam mukanya, (mereka akan ditanya secara menempelak): PATUTKAH KAMU KUFUR DAN INGKAR SESUDAH KAMU BERIMAN? Oleh itu rasalah azab seksa Neraka disebabkan kekufuran kamu itu.
3:107. Adapun orang-orang yang telah putih berseri mukanya, maka mereka berada dalam limpah rahmat Allah (Syurga), mereka kekal di dalamnya.
3:108. Itulah ayat-ayat keterangan Allah, kami bacakan ia kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) dengan benar dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak berkehendak melakukan kezaliman kepada sekalian makhlukNya.
Terus hatiku sayu dan hampir bergenang air mataku memikirkan keadaan manusia pada hari graduasi itu. Aku,kamu bahkan ramai lagi umat Islam yang telah pun mendapat petunjuk yang nyata, tetapi mengabaikan ajaran-ajaran petunjuk suci itu. Al Quranul Karim. Astaghfirullah. Patutkah aku kufur dan ingkar sesudah aku mengaku beriman?
Ku putar cakera liut kehidupanku di dalam benak fikiranku, terbayang segala kekufuranku dahulu terhadapMu. Nikmat ilmu, aku kufur dengan tidak mengamalkannya. Nikmat masa, aku kufur dengan membazirkan masa lapang yang aku ada dengan perkara yang sia-sia. Nikmat kesihatan, aku kufur dengan melakukan maksiat terhadapMu. Nikmat persaudaraan, aku kufur dengan menggunakannya terhadap perkara keburukan. Solat dan puasa pun sekadar cukup syarat. Itu pun banyak yang ditinggalkan dengan sengaja (dengan menggunakan alasan aku tidak mampu dan lemah).
Mengapa aku selalu berpaling dari ajaranMu ya Allah walaupun telah ku tahu, dan telah banyak kali ku diperingatkan. Sebodoh-bodoh haiwan pun tahu bersyukur dengan mengikut Sunnatullah. Aku seolah-olah tidak sedar yang kematian sangat hampir, sentiasa mengekoriku di mana sahaja aku berada. Itulah punca kekufuranku, cinta dunia mengatasi cinta sejati terhadap Ilahi. Seolah-olah aku akan hidup selama-lamanya. Padahal tidak sanggup untuk ke merasai walau sesaat azab nerakamu itu ya Allah.
Ya Allah, pada hari graduasi kunanti di padang Mahsyar, jadilah aku termasuk dalam golongan orang-orang yang wajah berseri-seri mukanya, seperti mana graduan-graduan di hadapanku yang begitu gembira bagaikan bulan jatuh ke riba. Bahkan jadikanlah aku lebih gembira daripada mereka ini, kegembiraan yang berkekalan dan abadi. Jadikanlah aku termasuk dalam golongan yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat. Perteguhkanlah dan tetapkanlah keyakinanku terhadap janjiMu pada hari graduasi nanti.
3:104. Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu satu puak yang menyeru (berdakwah) kepada kebajikan (mengembangkan Islam) dan menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik, serta melarang daripada segala yang salah (buruk dan keji) dan MEREKA yang bersifat demikian ialah ORANG-ORANG yang BERJAYA.
3:108. Itulah ayat-ayat keterangan Allah, kami bacakan ia kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) dengan BENAR dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak berkehendak melakukan kezaliman kepada sekalian makhlukNya.
Doa; 3:8. (Mereka berdoa dengan berkata): Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami dan kurniakanlah kepada kami limpah rahmat dari sisiMu; sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan Yang melimpah-limpah pemberianNya.
Labels: university
Hi there, its been more than a month since my last update. I can say I got my hands full lately though it might be more of an excuse I'd have to admit,hahaha =P Ok, straight to the point, I want to introduce 2 great softwares to bring out the laziness in you. I had downloaded one last year but rarely use it and I've come across another a couple of days ago. Here's the catch, if you ever be somewhat too lazy to type your supposedly long boring article in your blog, read it out loud or in case you are a frequent reader of 'that' boring blog, stay back, relax and have the article being read to you,perhaps as a bed-time story eh?
These 2 softwares make full use of the speech-to-text technology and vice-versa. Simply put, everything you say will be converted into a full text. That's not all, the speech recognition technology used will also allow the user to control certain commands of the pc just by a simple word. Frankly speaking I don't really find any of these useful but hey it does help a whole lot especially for a lazy blogger like myself.
While one software converts the speech into text, the other turns the text into speech. See, now you have less reasons to strain you big round eyes in front of the screen to read the small lengthy news thus reducing risk of damaging your balls...i mean....eyeballs (no hard feeling 4 eyes guys please). For both, they work best in English only, the downside on the other hand, you might find the speech-to-text software a little bit irritating if you are not a native speaker because you have to pronounce each word right or else it will be falsely interpreted by the software. As usual, watch the review videos I made at the bottom. If you are interested, come have a copy of the softwares from me.
1. Speech-to-Text (Dragon Naturally Speaking 9.0)
Image :
Video :
2. Text-to-Speech (Text Aloud)
Image :
Video :
Labels: educational
STEP 1 :
STEP 2 :
STEP 3 :
Amazing no?
To Jeghi and Kie, fret not as you'll be able to virtually sit at the Anfield to watch an already losing Liverpool in despair and for the ManU fans, join the joyful crowd in the Old Trafford as we cheer our defending champion..hahahhaa. My point is by using this chroma-key effect, you can do and record just about anything, anything your creative wild imaginations can think of.. So guys, if you ever think to be the next hot Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar Shukor Malaysian astronaut but are unable to pass the difficult physical training for the selection the chroma-key effect might be a good alternative =P
Labels: educational
Labels: educational, review, tips
Labels: juggling, university
Labels: gadget
Labels: family
Yeayy...I just handed in my first Machines and Mechanisms tutorial yesterday's evening. The tutorial was basically about engines.You heard me right, engines.Hahaha...since I got my driving license I don't really care about a car as a whole, let alone the engine.
Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.
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